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Sony says that earlier this year when the hastag #PlayStationMemories was trending it read a bunch of the tweets and messages that went along with the hastag. The electronics giant wanted to make a film that it feels represents what the PlayStation has meant to gamers since it debuted in 1995. Sony thinks that everyone can relate a bit to the movie titled #4ThePlayers since 1995.


Sony says that each section of the film is representative of the whole era with details all the way down to dates on ticket stubs, magazines, and electronics seen in the film. Sony says as the film moves into the PlayStation 4 era the bike, clothes, and many of the items haven’t actually been released.

Sony says that it got other brands involved in making the video. For instance, Dominoes Pizza gave Sony boxes from each of the console eras and a number of game publishers participated in the project as well.

You can see video games from each console era lying around on the floor. Sony says that it wants gamers to look back and remember their time the PlayStation and join with it as it looks forward to the next generation of gaming with the launch of the PlayStation 4.

SOURCE: PlayStation

Source from: slashgear.com


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